Friday, August 28, 2009

Prayer's FiNaLLy BeeN AnSweRed!!

It is so exciting, when we want to get ahead and want to reach a GoAL set for a particular period of LiFe with its time limits...

Life is all about setting GoALs and achieving them, making it as perfect as possible.
When we achieve it, we thank whichever things came in our way and helped us in achieving It!!!

So, This time I am writing this Post to Thank all who have helped me achieve my Goals and Made me Who I am. I would want to thank the Creator of the PlayGround (Universe), God !

Friday, August 7, 2009

New experiences, new people

I arrived at Cleveland, USA on August 5th. And, Yes it is a new place for me from which i will learn a lot.

But, sometimes you know it really feels good from inside. We don't even have words. The only thing that i can tell is that, "We can Watch the World Go by, Up on Cloud Nine."

I am saying this because it was my dream to come to US. It just became true. I am feeling as if in Heaven.!